Our Community

Phillip Island Nature Parks is a self-funded organisation that manages 1805 hectares of crown land across Phillip Island. We are committed to partnering with our community to protect nature for wildlife. If you live locally or are a regular visitor to Phillip Island, we invite you to take part in the conversation and get involved in any way you can.

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Locals Pass

The Nature Parks Locals Pass is your annual ticket to the Penguin Parade, Koala Conservation Reserve and Churchill Island, providing great member offers & discounts.

Learn more

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Community News

Find out when local community events are happening and read updates on projects here.

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Community Committees

Our community committees provide an important two-way flow of information between the local community, stakeholders and the Nature Parks Board.

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Infrastructure Projects Updates

Read about the current projects and maintenance being conducted by Phillip Island Nature Parks

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Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Our commitment and determination to recognise and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is reflected in our, Reconciliation Action Plan.

Learn more

Joining our team provides rewarding career opportunities, personal development and the chance to contribute to the conservation of Phillip Island’s wildlife. We offer a wide range of work experience, internships and tertiary placement options that inspire young conservationists.

Learn more


Read the draft regulations and set-asides which help us ensure the Crown Land we are privileged to manage is protected and visitors are kept safe.

Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve recognises the outstanding surf along the shores of Phillip Island and the long, rich surf culture and history.

Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve

Phillip Island National Surfing Reserve recognises the outstanding surf along the shores of Phillip Island together with the long rich surf culture and history associated with those waves, that date back to the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Phillip Island is the proud home of Victoria's only National Surfing Reserve which was dedicated on Saturday 16 March 2013 for the surfers of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The Reserve’s motto is Share, Respect, Preserve and it is made up of four sites along Phillip Island’s coast: Cape Woolamai, Smiths Beach, Summerland and Cat Bay.

Some breaks are significant for their exceptional waves, and others for their history and importance in providing safe breaks for teaching the surfers of the future. Phillip Island is also special for its Aboriginal and natural values and all surfers must play a role in protecting these.

Download the 2018 National Surfing Reserve Book

Download the National Surfing Reserve Brochure & Map

For hard copies of these, please email community@penguins.org.au

Community Working Group

Our community was instrumental in establishing the Surfing Reserve. Since its establishment, this dedicated group has worked to promote and protect the reserve and its values. The group is made up of representatives from Phillip Island Nature Parks, Bass Coast Shire Council, Phillip Island Boardriders Club, Woolamai Beach Surf Life Saving Club, Plastic Free Phillip Island and community members.

The group also develops and maintains an archive of Phillip Island’s surfing history dating back to the 1920s. 

Eastern barred bandicoot sightings

Would you like to help us track and monitor the growing Eastern barred bandicoot population on Phillip Island? Use this portal to tell us where and when you saw one.

Report bandicoot sighting


Beach washed penguins

Help us monitor the health of Phillip Island's coastal bird populations by reporting any birds you find washed up on beaches through this portal.

Report beach washed bird

Welcome to the Phillip Island Nature Parks local plant nursery, Barb Martin Bushbank

Barb Martin Bushbank supplies an array of native plants, many of which have been locally sourced and grown, for the local community to plant in their gardens. With wildlife habitat disappearing at an alarming rate, you can help provide the natural environment wildlife needs to thrive, by sourcing your backyard plants from us.

Barb Martin Bushbank Native Plant Nursery details:

  • Email: barbmartinbushbank@penguins.org.au
  • Phone: 0427 897 448
  • Barb Martin Bushbank Address: 1810 Phillip Island Road, Phillip Island
  • Opening Hours: 9am-3pm Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday



Read the Conservation News and Know Your Nature Parks updates here.