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Community Committees

Our community based advisory committees provide an important two-way flow of information between the local community, stakeholders and the Nature Parks Board. 
Phillip Island Nature Parks Board of Management values the significant contributions made by our community members, groups and volunteers and the establishment of the Community Environment Advisory Committee and Reconciliation Advisory Committee include members with interest and/or expertise from community organisations and stakeholders in the Bass Coast region. 
Board Members chair both committees to actively engage with the wider community and they meet every three months to learn about conservation, research and community programs. The meetings are also an opportunity for the members to share updates on projects and initiatives being led by their respective groups. 

Community and Environment Advisory Committee (CEAC)

The purpose of the Community and Environment Advisory Committee is to provide a direct link between the Board of the Nature Parks and staff and individual community representatives, community groups and stakeholders. It keeps the Board informed on issues of interest and concern to the community and allows the Nature Parks to share information as to the thinking and direction of the Board with the community. 

View the Community & Environment Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference here.

Read our Committee Minutes

Reconciliation Advisory Committee

The Reconciliation Advisory Committee is made up of Nature Parks Board Members, the Chief Executive Officer and Community Impact Manager, the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, and representatives from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. 
The purpose of the Reconciliation Advisory Committee is to provide advice to management and the board on progressing reconciliation in the organisation. It does this through providing advice on the Nature Parks Reconciliation Action Plan

  • considering opportunities related to deliverables; advising on initiatives that embed reconciliation into the organisation.
  • building and maintaining relationships between Nature Parks, the local community and key partners.  

The Committee is supported by an internal RAP Leadership Group consisting of staff from key areas of the organisation and First Nations employees.   
You can read the Reconciliation Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference here.

Read our Committee Minutes