Phillip Island (Millowl) Wildlife Plan
Phillip Island’s wildlife is an important part of the community’s identity and economy. Wildlife experiences on the Island generate jobs and revenue and are a major attraction for visitors.
Wildlife Plan Project updates
The Phillip Island (Millowl) Wildlife Plan aims to bring all stakeholders and the community together to create a place-based approach to managing wildlife on Phillip Island. It aims to balance conservation, agriculture, cultural use, road safety, public health and tourism needs with those of Phillip Island’s wildlife.
A Steering Committee including representatives from Phillip Island Nature Parks, Bass Coast Shire Council, Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) and local landholders have overseen the implementation of the Plan since its release in December 2021 following public feedback and community consultation. Download the full plan here
Also working closely with the Traditional Owners, Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, and key stakeholders and organisations including the local farming community, wildlife carers and tourism operators.
The successful eradication of foxes on Phillip Island in conjunction with increased habitat, revegetation and improved pastures has contributed to the strong recovery of wildlife populations. Several native species have increased in number and now pose challenges to local conservation work, biodiversity, infrastructure and agricultural practices on the Island.
The Plan includes five strategies to be delivered and defines the lead agencies and groups and partners for each task and when they are expected to be delivered. Measures of success for each strategy have also been defined to support monitoring and review of the plan.
The Steering Committee will monitor, evaluate and report on the plan and will undertake annual progress reports and reviews. This will enable adaptive management and continuous improvement to ensure the plan, and its delivery remains relevant and fit for purpose.
You can read the latest update here