Keep up to date with what the Environment and Research units of the Phillip Island Nature Parks Conservation team have been working on.
Bins on boats
Bins on Boats Final Report_20211123
Threatened species update
Threatened Species Update 2023-2024
Threatened Species Update 2022-2023
Threatened Species Update 2021-2022
Threatened Species Update 2020-2021
Threatened Species Update 2019-2020
Koala rehabilitation - WWF-Australia
Nesting shorebirds report
Nesting Shorebirds Breeding Season 2021-22
Nesting Shorebirds Breeding Season 2020-21
Nesting Shorebirds Breeding Season 2019-20
Short-tailed shearwater report
Short-tailed shearwater report 2023-24
Short-tailed shearwater report 2022-23
SRAC newsletters