Senior Research Officer
Paula has worked at the Phillip Island Nature Parks since 2009. Primarily, her role involves undertaking the field components of Little penguin research projects, although she also works with other seabirds, such as crested terns and short-tailed shearwaters, when the needs arise. Prior to her employment, Paula completed her Honours looking at the calcium ingestion of Little penguins. With her field experience, Paula provides training and information to other Little penguin research groups in Australia and is particularly passionate about ethics in wildlife research.
Phone: + 61 (3) 59512831
Mail: Phillip Island Nature Parks, PO Box 97, Cowes Vic. 3922, Australia
- Co-ordinate and conduct fieldwork component of research projects involving penguins and other wildlife (e. g. monitoring of breeding, satellite/GPS tracking, blood sampling)
- Maintain biological data bases. Prepare and check data & provide internal reports & information
- Train students and staff in field and rehabilitation techniques
- Assist with emergency wildlife response procedures including oil spills, cetacean strandings and natural disasters.
- Provide technical advice to other staff, departments and agencies on penguin welfare and management. Liaise with marketing department and create protocols regarding media filming involving wildlife. Appear in and/or supervise media filming when deemed necessary
- Provide administrative support where necessary
- Perform duties in accordance with directions of Deputy Research Manager and the provisions of relevant legislation, policies and codes of practice
Honours (Zoology) – 2008, Monash University, Melbourne
B.Sc. (Zoology & Conservation Ecology) – 2007, Monash University, Melbourne